Myofascial Release

Myofascial Release (MFR) is a manual therapy targeting a thin mesh-like tissue known as fascia. Fascia and fascial planes surround all structures of the body including muscles, nerves, vessels, and bones. Damage to these structures, either through frank trauma, poor posture, repetitive stress, and even fibromyalgia can create adhesions in the fascia. Aside from friction these areas create, they also have the potential to leak inflammatory mediators which can have a direct effect on the prognosis of an injury.

Using a combination of hands-on and tool-assisted techniques, Dr. Jensen uses MFR to break down these adhesions and induce controlled inflammation in the area to reset the natural healing process in the body. Employed properly, MFR is able to increase fascial mobility, decrease pain, improve range of motion, and reduce the likelihood for re-injury.

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Method Chiropractic & Physical Medicine
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